After your appointment
A message to our patients
I have been blessed to be able to work with and treat many wonderful patients in Southern California since I opened Synergy Natural Medicine Clinic in 2003. Over the years, I've developed insight into the difference between patients who respond well to my treatment plans and patients who don't. It is my goal to always achieve the best results for our patients, so below we've created a short list of important things to considerate when I am providing your care.
First, your treatment plan is just the first step toward getting better. The next step is up to YOU. We need your active participation in making the difficult changes required in your treatment plan. Please do your best to make the changes in your treatment plan so we can achieve great results together.
Second, diet & lifestyle changes can be challenging. In each patient consultation, we try to assess the pace of change that a patient is comfortable with. If you are having trouble following your treatment plan, we want to know sooner than later. We can always make adjustments to your treatment plan. Small successes are better to achieve than none at all.
Third, many patients stop taking their medicine as soon as they feel better. Feeling better is only the first step towards getting better. To heal and make lasting physiological changes, it takes more time. Please keep taking our medicine for the length of time and dosage we’ve prescribed.
Fourth, if you are following your treatment plan and not seeing the kinds of results we discussed, please call us so we can assess your situation. It's also important to let us know about significant changes to your health or new drugs prescribed to you that could affect your treatment plan. Your health and safety are of utmost importance to us.
Fifth, when you are running low on your medicine, please contact us to refill your prescription or use our Online Natural Pharmacy. Patients can stop in anytime during normal office hours to refill their medicines or we will mail them to you. If you are coming to our Clinic for a refill, please call ahead so we can confirm we have what you need available.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Jennifer Wicher ND